Team Up For A Lifetime of Fitness And Weight Loss

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The lifetime weight loss fitness team is a program that lasts for 12 weeks with meal planning and workouts for small groups. It offers customized support and instruction from a certified personal trainer, as well as a nutrition coach or a registered dietician. The program involves three sessions per week of group personal training with weekly nutritional coaching sessions. When you start the program, you and your certified personal trainer will come up with a body composition and weight loss goal to be achieved. The team in lifetime weight loss fitness team stands for training, education, accountability, and motivation. The group that you will be joining is composed of about eight to 15 people who have similar goals with you. You become accountable for supporting each other in order to achieve your individual personal goals.

Program costs

Lifetime weight loss fitness team program costs can be paid in full upon enrollment or in three installments, depending on what is more convenient for you. The total program cost also includes an additional joiner fee. This joiner fee however, is refundable. It will be completely refunded to you when you achieve your body composition and weight loss goal within the 12 weeks of the program.

Nutritional coaching

Nutritional coaching sessions discuss nutrition-related topics within the small group, with topics varying each weak. They take up the first 30 minutes of every first session of every week. After the session, the group then resumes their workouts.

What are workouts like

The workouts included in the lifetime weight loss fitness team program involve a setting that utilizes group training. Workouts sessions are done thrice a week, and normally take place in an area with treadmills, specifically reserved for the group’s session. At the early stages of the program, the group will start off with 40-minute workouts, and slowly progress up to 50-minute workouts. The entire program will use both cardiovascular training and upper and lower body strengthening exercises. If you happen to miss a session, your personal trainer will give you a workout you can complete by yourself so you don’t fall behind the program.