Weight Loss and Fitness Tips

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A girl needs purpose, so rather than casually turning up to the gym and jumping on a few machines, know what you want to get out of your program. To keep yourself on the job, write down your fitness goals and post them where you’ll see them every day.

Get a fitness program
A personal trainer will help you reap fast results and keep you challenged. Programs developed by personal trainers are tailored to your fitness level and will help you track your progress.

Find a friend
Exercise is so much easier with a friend. You can enjoy one another’s company as you work out, so exercise becomes more of a social outlet, and you can encourage each other as you work towards your weight loss fitness goals together.

Use your support network
Fitness clubs generally boast an entire support network of staff, from fitness instructors to nutritional experts, to help you reach your weight loss and health goals, so make sure you take advantage of their advice. Joining a team sport is a fun way to complement your gym routine and stay committed to being active.

Listen to music, watch TV, or read a book
Let’s face it, watching the minutes countdown on a cardio machine is hardly stimulating, but the time can fly if you take along a head set and tune into a television, listen to your favourite tunes, or get stuck into a great book while you’re working out.

Train for an event
Set yourself an event such as a fun run or triathlon to work towards and encourage some friends to join you. You’ll end up covering kilometres you never thought you were capable of before you realise it and be so pleased with yourself at the end of it, you’ll be inspired to do another.