How Do You Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle?

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What is a Healthy Lifestyle? Having a healthy lifestyle requires that the mind, body and soul are all in harmony. This is a holistic approach that has been practiced in the east for thousands of years.

Living a healthy lifestyle means that you must have a healthy diet and you must also have a regular exercise regime. If you combine both of these, you lessen the possibility of disease or serious illness. Having a healthy eating plan is relatively easy. There are hundreds, if not thousand, of books that spell out what you should and should not eat.

We all know to avoid food high in saturated fats and reduce the levels of sugar and sodium in your daily intake of food. If you are not sure what you should eat, there are several free sites on the net that you can visit and learn more.

What form of exercise is best to achieve and maintain a healthy body? The answer to this can be very varied but the best form of exercise that you can do is some form of resistance exercise combined with flexibility training.

Flexibility training can be yoga, tai chi or pilates. Yoga is a series of asanas (positions) that help stimulate the various organs of the body while at the same time strengthening muscles, ligaments and tendons. Meditation is a big part of yoga and this is where you can achieve the harmony of the body, mind and soul. There are several types of meditation and it does not always involve being in a quite place.

The Buddhist monks are famous for their moving meditation. They meditate while they are walking and moving.