Child Nutrition Breakfast

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A Nutritious Breakfast – A Great Way to Start the Day

Amy was having trouble concentrating at school. Though she had always been a conscientious student, she began forgetting to turn in assignments, and her test scores plummeted. During parent teacher conference, Amy’s teacher asked what her what she ate for breakfast. “Sometimes I eat a doughnut, but usually I just skip it,” said Amy, “It doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.”

Studies show that kids who eat a healthy, nutritious breakfast every morning are better able to concentrate, are more energetic, are able to grasp new concepts more easily and typically score better on tests. Sandra, a first-grade teacher in Salt Lake City, Utah, agrees that proving children with a proper breakfast is one of the most important things parents can do. “By ten o’clock I can always tell who has eaten breakfast and who hasn’t. Some of the kids act out when they get hungry, and start getting in trouble. Others become lethargic and put their heads on their desks. It’s pretty hard to teach a six-year-old reading skills when she’s hungry.”

So, what do you give your little learner in the morning? Sandra recommends something that will stick in their bellies. “Some of these kids are eating breakfast at six a.m., and lunch isn’t until noon,” she says, “they need something that will stick with them…not just a bowl of sugary cereal.”

The best breakfast, like any other meal, consists of whole grains, proteins and fruits or vegetables. Some ideas:

  1. Whole grain cereal with milk and fruit
  2. Bagels with peanut butter and banana, or cream cheese and sliced fruit
  3. Waffles or pancakes, served with fruit and eggs
  4. Hard-boiled eggs and toast
  5. Breakfast bar with milk
  6. Fruit smoothie with some protein powder
  7. Oatmeal with raisins or fruit

Even though they might be aware that eating a good breakfast is smart, kids still might resist. Some excuses:

I’ll be late if I eat breakfast

Set the alarm for 10 or 15 minutes earlier. Stock in some healthy breakfast bars and fruit such as bananas or apples that can be eaten on the way to the bus stop or school.

You don’t eat breakfast, so why should I?

Uh oh. Busted. You should be eating a healthy breakfast, too. You’ll see your productivity go way up, and if you’re trying to lose weight, eating breakfast can actually help. Maybe you can do a little kid bonding in the morning over a bowl of oatmeal.

I’m not hungry.

Lots of kids don’t start feeling hungry until they’ve been awake for a few hours. Unfortunately, they might be right in the middle of math by then. Try a fruit smoothie or drinkable yogurt.

Breakfast food is yucky.

Not everyone likes oatmeal or bagels. That’s ok! You don’t have to follow IHop’s breakfast menu in the morning. Serve them leftovers from last night’s dinner. Make them a ham and cheese sandwich on wheat bread. Spaghetti is a perfectly acceptable breakfast food. Really!

Providing your child with a healthy breakfast takes a little advance planning, but it can be done! Enlist the help of other family members to:

  1. Put breakfast food like fruit and breakfast bars in easy-to-reach cupboards or bowls.
  2. Help plan the breakfast menu for the week and go shopping together.
  3. Make it a point to eat breakfast together as a family.
  4. Look into your child’s school breakfast program.