Dieting Motivation – Top Ten Ways To Stay Motivated And Reach Your Slim And Sexy Goal

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Dieting Motivation is simple when you know how to approach it. There are various ways to keep motivated while dieting. Dieting does not have to be a hard chore and in this article I will give you some fun and helpful tips to keep motivated.

1. Keep it Fun and Simple – Whatever your reason for dieting you must keep the process fun and simple. Try and automate your food preparation as much as possible and with as much variation in food choices as possible while still staying in the healthy choice range. Just because you’re dieting doesn’t mean eating still can’t be fun.

2. Engage only in physical activities you find stimulating. Hate the Gym? Then don’t go. Instead go dancing or skating, whatever keeps your mind off the fact that you are actually exercising. I have the urban rebounder and use it daily for roughly 30 minutes with my 3 yr old daughter. We take turns and believe me I never ever think of this as exercising. It’s just fun to watch her jump and scream with joy.

3. Speaking of which if you do have children, especially young children this could be all the motivation you need. Nothing beats the disappointment of having to tell your young child that you can’t play with them outdoors in their favorite games. Get off the couch and just get in shape. Your children will thank you and you will be elated just being able to run around with them and not pass out on the lawn.

4. If you’re visual then use pictures to remind you of what you once looked like. How about posting those college pictures on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror or next to your computer. Keep these pictures as a way to remind you of your goal. Heck you may never make it back to those glory days of being 150 lbs but you will get close. Sure this is ego but so what it works.

5. Try to have a very specific and driving goal with a deadline. If at all possible this should be a public event that’s around the corner. For example you are going to your high school reunion. Perhaps you need to fit into that bikini in 4 months or that wedding dress by next year. The more specific and public the event the better.

6. If you have family members at home include them in your dieting journey. Use your family or friends as an accountability meter. A support system is always great to help boost you when you need it. Give them the right to keep you accountable at all times. Remember if you are the sole provider your health is the most important thing to your loved ones.

7. Make dieting competitive if you can. Use the buddy system and make bets with your partner as to who will win small goals. For example whoever loses the first 10 lbs gets to order around their dieting buddy for a day. Ummm imagine if this is your husband or wife.

8. Set up a system of small rewards for yourself as you accomplish smaller goals. Lets say for each 5 lbs you lose you get to have a small scoop of your favorite ice cream. With a proper diet plan this will not set you back and it helps to keep you mentally and physically satisfied along the journey.

9. Use the pleasure of sex to keep you motivated. Lets face it, the better shape you’re in the more pleasure you can get out of your sexual activities. It’s a win win deal no matter how you think about it. I can see it now Diet now for better Sex later.

10. Your wish for a longer and fuller life. We all don’t usually throw this one into the inspiration bowl but think about it. The healthier you are the longer you will live. The longer you live the longer you can enjoy all life as to offer including the pleasure of seeing you kids grow up.