7 Quick, Simple and Healthy Meals

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Eating right can be difficult unless you pay a lot of attention. It is so easy to slip into bad habits, even with the best of attention. Also, since few if any of us have enough time, we sometimes fall into eating fast food, which normally is anything but healthy. Here are 10 quick, simple, and fast meals I often have myself. We’ll start with breakfast.

1) Instant oatmeal. I hated oatmeal as a kid but I love it as an adult. I like the instant in individual pouches, and all it requires is a microwave or boiling water and a few minutes. I usually add boiling water as I typically am making coffee in the morning and have boiling water handy.

2) Low fat yogurt, my daughter’s favorite, is great and fast for breakfast. It also makes a wonderful and healthy snack or accompaniment to other meals.

3) An Egg McMuffin, yes, from McDonalds, is about as healthy as you can do with fast food. It is about 300 calories which is not bad. Don’t go for the Egg McMuffin with sausage as that has many more calories.

4) An egg white omelet. Egg whites are super healthy, egg yolks are not. You might even consider using one egg yolk in a multi-egg omelet as I sometimes do.

5) A salad. Most salads are healthy, but avoid lots of dressing or other fatty stuff. That can make them worse for you than a burger and fries! Taco salads can be particularly bad (hint: skip the tortilla shell and maybe the guacamole and sour cream too). Most restaurants including fast food restaurants have decent salads.

6) A sandwich you make yourself for lunch or dinner. I often make a delicious turkey with lettuce, onion, pickle, and sometimes tomato on whole grain bread sandwich for lunch. I use a little light mayonnaise or even regular if that’s all I have, and it’s a filling, nutritious, and low fat meal.

7) Baked or broiled chicken. I’ll often grab one of these for lunch or dinner precooked from the grocery store. I avoid most, but not all, of the skin as it’s full of flavor but fatty. This is much better for you than a burger and fries!

I’m always short on time it seems, but usually hungry. It’s so simple to just start eating junk all the time if you let yourself, so don’t! I often have the foods listen above to help me eat healthily. Why I just bought number seven, a precooked chicken, and brought it home for dinner tonight.