Good Health And Motivation

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Good health and enthusiasm go hand in hand. If you want to be excited about life and have plenty of energy then you must pay attention to your health. Obtaining and maintaining optimum health should be one of the top goals in your life.

In order to acquire good health, you must train yourself to develop positive health habits. The only way to overcome poor health habits is to replace them with good health practices. This is one of nature’s laws for successful living. What are your present habits? Are you taking good care of your body? What improvements do you need to make in your eating and sleeping patterns? Do you allow your self time for leisure and exercise? What is your present state of health?

We all know the importance of good health, yet it tends to be one of those things we like to ignore. We work ourselves right into the ground or we passively deteriorate. We believe that it takes too much effort or that it will be too unbearable to change. You do not pay the price for good health; you enjoy the benefits of it. I often ask people, “Could you get your life together for $10 million dollars?” Most people quickly answer, “Absolutely!” Others pause and hesitantly say ” I don’t know.” I like this hypothetical question because it forces you to acknowledge that good health is possible. If you can do it for the money, you can do it for your own peace of mind, your family, a longer life.
Life often doesn’t make us face how harsh things can be so we don’t take these matters seriously. I like to make up pretend scenarios such as the offer of $10 million dollars because it gives me the leverage to do the right thing even though life hasn’t.

Here are some helpful suggestions:

Have annual checkups, maintain a balanced diet, allow six to eight hours of sleep per night, develop an exercise routine and allow time for fun.

By making these adjustments, you will notice yourself becoming more positive, happier and more spiritually alive. Do not wait for a sense of energy to occur before you get started. Do what you can and the energy will come. Start small. Take baby steps if you have to. The energy and the enthusiasm you desire will come through your patient and persistent action.