Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of The Day

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Skipping breakfast is a big mistake.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day when it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

By eating shortly after you wake up you will kick-start your metabolism. Eating breakfast lets your body know it’s time to get going again.

Your body needs food.

If you don’t eat for a couple hours before going to bed, sleep for 7 to 8 hours, and then don’t eat for a few hours after waking up, you can end up going 12 hours without fueling your body.

Our bodies can go 8 hours without eating while we sleep, but when you’re awake, you should eat something around every 3 hours… and you really shouldn’t go more than 5 hours without eating.

Studies have shown that people who eat less than 3 times a day can have trouble controlling their appetite. They will eat more than they should when they do eat to compensate because they are so hungry. However, the body can’t process so much food at one time and ends up storing some as fat.

Often, people will go most of the day depriving themselves of needed fuel, and then eat a huge dinner because they are starving. Then they sit on the couch and don’t do anything to burn off any calories. Going to bed at this point is like a bear hibernating for the winter. The body has no choice but to store fat.

If you did the reverse, and ate the majority of your calories during the early part of the day, you would burn much of the food off during the most active part of your day.

It’s best to eat several small meals throughout the day.

I generally eat 2 breakfasts… within a half hour of waking up I’ll have a smoothie of fruits and yogurt, or occasionally a small bowl of whole grain cereal with berries and almond milk.

I try to get my workout in about half an hour after that, then, I’ll eat again about an hour after working out.

This time I usually eat an egg with veggies, and a slice of whole grain bread (if I didn’t already have cereal).

Eating about a third of my calories in the morning gives me plenty of fuel to burn throughout the day and supplies me with plenty of energy.

For breakfast, you want a good mix of protein and carbs, as well as some fiber.

Dietary fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Fiber will stay with you and help you feel full. It is an important part of a healthy diet.

Carbohydrates are the main fuel source for the body. The function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain.

Proteins are the building blocks of life. Your body uses protein to repair and maintain itself. You need protein in your diet so your body can repair cells and make new ones.

Let’s weight the health, hunger and energy benefits of starting your day with a healthy breakfast.

Not eating for long periods of time can put your body into a hibernation mode of storing fat and gaining weight.

Loss of appetite control can increase your chances of choosing less healthy options because you need to eat something quickly when you feel starved.

Skipping breakfast can lead to decreased physical activity from lack of energy, as well as over-eating later in the day.

Breakfast is your first and best chance to start your day with nutritious healthy foods. Eating breakfast has been shown to increase your chances of making healthier choices throughout the day.

Starting the day with breakfast refuels your body after sleeping, and supplies your muscles with energy for increased physical activity.

So if you think you’re saving time or cutting calories by not eating breakfast, think again, especially if you want to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Rod Usher is a certified sports nutrition consultant, and author of The Clean and Lean Lifestyle program. He continues to help people improve their health, strength, and energy so they can fully enjoy living.