How To Find The Extra Time and Motivation To Exercise

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Lots of people don’t exercise, and boy oh boy, do they come up with excuses about why they don’t! It ranges from ‘I don’t have time,’ to ‘the kids and husband give me enough exercise running after them,’ to the plain truth, ‘I hate exercising!’ Unfortunately, if you don’t exercise, in the long run, you will not have the quality of life that you deserve.

It is a fact of life, we all need exercise, or we will become like cars that don’t have services – old and sluggish. Our overall health will gradually decline, and we will age a lot faster. Exercise is the best way to keep fit, young and healthy, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time out of your week. The benefits of doing exercise will speak for themselves, and you will feel great. Don’t wait for illness to strike before you get a wake up call and take action. You are never too old or too young to get a good exercise regime going.

If you include some exercise in your daily life, you will feel the benefits almost immediately. You don’t need to run a marathon. It could be something as simple as a brisk walk at lunch time, or some stretches during your tea break. You will feel energized, be able to sleep better at night, and wake up refreshed.

Apart from the benefits, more importantly doing exercise regularly will help to prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, slow down osteoporosis and prevent diabetes. If that doesn’t motivate you then you need your head read.

Ideally, all you need to fit in is 3 to 4 thirty minute sessions each week. Try and make your exercise of choice something you enjoy doing and vary it to prevent boredom. There are many ways that even a busy person can fit exercise into their routines.

1. At work, use the stairs instead of the lift.

2. At lunch time or tea time, take the opportunity to go for a brisk walk or even do some exercises in your office. Keep some dumbbells or a jump rope there, and when you see them it will remind you to exercise.

3. On a long journey when you stop for a break, do some stretches.

4. Join up with something that you will enjoy doing, then you won’t even realize that you are exercising. There are lots of sports that you can play socially, or sign yourself and your partner up for a ballroom and Latin American dancing course.

Whatever form of exercise you decide to do, just remember enjoyment is key, or you won’t stick with it. Get a friend to walk with you or make an exercise date and in this way you will motivate each other. Exercise is not a choice, it quite simply is a must for all of us.