Preparing Lunches For Your Children

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Making the right food for your children’s lunch boxes can be difficult. The most typical lunch seems to be leftovers from the previous night’s dinner. It is important to make something for them that they are going to eat because at school it is very easy to just toss everything in the garbage. This will also help keep them healthy since you are preparing food they like to eat. Let me share a few of my favorite recipes with you.

If you need to use leftovers then putting them inside tortilla wraps is an excellent idea. I love to add tasty things like cream cheese and salsa. If they like the idea of eating wraps then you can even put your traditional lunch meats inside and roll them up. You can easily cover all of the food groups within a single tortilla wrap.

Salad sandwiches like chicken salad are something almost everyone loves. After you have added chicken, lettuce, and tomato you can add your favorite tasting salad dressing as a delicious topping. If your children prefer other types of meat you can substitute them or you can use eggs.

The meat ball sub has been around since the beginning of time. These can be wrapped in a tortilla but best served with a submarine style bun. Meat balls pack a lot of protein and with cheese and vegetables it makes a great meal in itself.

If you have a lot of time to prepare lunches than croquettes can be an awesome lunch. You can use potatoes or meat and form them in to small balls for deep frying. Once they are done you should let them rest to remove excessive oil.

Regardless of what the main course will be I usually like to put a lot of fruit in to their lunch boxes. It makes for a much more healthy meal unlike chocolate bars and other sugar coated treats.