How to Stay Healthy As You Get Older

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As we age our bodies change. Our body begins to show signs of wear and tear. No matter how advanced medical technology becomes, people will always have to deal with the side effects of aging. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your body stay healthy as you get older. Through many different lifestyle choices and healthy habits you can make sure that you are as healthy as possible as your body ages.

Preventative Care

One of the most important things for you to do is get routine check ups and preventative care. This includes getting a regular physical, dental checkups, eye exams and any special tests your doctor may recommend.

If you have a family history for a specific health problem then you need to stay on top of that. Get screenings and checks often so that should you develop a condition, you will catch it earlier.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

There are some things that you may do that are clearly bad for your health. As you age it is more difficult for your body to handle these bad habits. Also the damage you have done to your body with bad habits in the past may catch up with you.

It is never too early to start making healthy lifestyle habits. This includes things like:

– Stop smoking

– Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all

– Avoid dangerous activities

– Practice safe sex

– Socialize and build lasting friendships

– Minimize stress

Some of the things on this list are bad for your health and others will actually help improve your health. For example, the dangers of smoking are widely known. Quitting can help increase your life span and help lower your risk for diseases in the future. Socializing is important because having good relationships is good for your mental health. People who are happy tend to live longer lives. By making good lifestyle choices you can do a lot of good for your health.


Exercise is essential to keeping your body healthy. As you age your muscles weaken. By exercising you can help keep your muscles strong and prevent muscle loss. Remember that your heart is a muscle. By doing cardio exercise you can help keep your heart healthy. You should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes minimum. Make sure your exercise routine includes cardio and strength training. As you get older you should also work on flexibility for the joints.


What you eat can have a great effect on your body. As you get older your metabolism will slow down, so your body will not be burning as many calories as it once did. If you make no change in your eating habits then you will gain weight.

Not only does your diet effect weight, but your diet also determines the vitamins and minerals that your body gets. You should be eating a well balanced diet that is low in fats and sugars.

Making healthy choices and living a healthy lifestyle is your best defense against aging. You cannot stop the aging process, but you can help make it less harsh on your body. All it takes is being more proactive about your health and you can often prevent many age related health conditions or at least make them something you can manage.