Healthy Living Is A Lifestyle

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Healthy living is important for our daily lives. We must eat healthy and nutritious foods while exercising our bodies in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will not be able to do the will of God if you are unhealthy. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; (I Corinthians 6:19).

Dieting can cause setbacks. Diets are typically short term fixes. Crash diets are unhealthy. You cannot increase your metabolism properly with poor eating habits, lack of exercise and poor diets. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). You have to renew your mind and change your lifestyle.

Healthy living begins with educating yourself and investing in your health. Visit your physician and learn about what steps you can take to improve your health. Always seek a physician before beginning your transformation if you have a medical condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

It is important to eat breakfast to start your day. Eating a nutritious breakfast fuels your metabolism and starts your day off right. You will be more focused and active throughout your workday. Eat protein, whole grains, oats and fruit for healthier options and avoid sugary breakfast choices.

Reduce your meal to smaller portions for your lunch and dinner. Proteins should be no larger than the size of your fist. Select steam, grilled or fresh vegetables as side items with your meals. Eliminate fried and starchy foods and reduce your sodium intake.

Drinking water can be a challenge but consume at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Water keeps your body hydrated and increases your metabolism. Try electrolytes in your drinking water which is an excellent antioxidant loaded with potassium, minerals and vitamins. Electrolytes increase your body’s energy and vitality.

Consume at least thirty minutes of exercise three to four times a week to boost your metabolism for weight loss. Walking is the easiest form of exercise for beginners. Meditation and prayer eliminates stress and anxiety from your life. People overindulge in unhealthy foods when they are stressed, worrying, suffering with anxiety which results in emotional eating. Make positive changes and create a plan of action.