What Are Healthy Calories Vegetarian Style?

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A lighter diet such as vegan, vegetarian and at least partly raw include some of the healthiest calories available. Once the body is cleaned out, it starts getting to be powerfully healthy.  I can absorb pure nutrients easily, and it begins to operate at a new level. When we live on a lighter diet, the way the body burns food for fuel changes, because the cells are so easily able to absorb the nutrients.

There are even those who believe we can live without food, such as a lady called Jasmuheen, who has followed in the footsteps of some great saints. Now this is pretty far out (although for some a high spiritual path), but we are not to talk about this today; we are here to talk about healthy calories. The only relationship is a cleaner body provides a place where simple foods can be more readily absorbed.

The most healthy calories are found in any natural whole food grown organically, that has not been refined, processed or changed in any way. So we pick an apple rather than cutting it, cooking it into a pie, making it into apple sauce, we just take that apple and eat it. Just taking that apple and eating eat is going to be the most powerful, potent healthy food there is. Usually we are concerned about calories when we are thinking about weight loss. If all we are eating is healthy food, we need to think of it in other terms, such as being nutritious.

Once we are eating whole foods there is much less to worry about as far as calories go, because whole foods provide a balance of fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber. The best thing we can consume in our diet as far as making a balance of vitamins, minerals, calories and nutritious cleansing foods are fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should become the main components of our diet.

Fruits are cleansing and healing. Johnny Lovewisdom was a man who attempted to live on all tropical fruits in Ecuador 30-40 years ago, and he lost all of his teeth. Fruit is excellent food, should be eaten alone as it is quick to digest;  but should also be eaten in balance with vegetables and other whole foods. These days our soils are mineral deficient and we need vegetables to provide us with more dense mineral qualities.

Healthiest calories are provided in 1-2 awesome vegetable meals in a day including salads. We need to remember along the lines of healthy calories that essential fatty acids are also critical to good health; so using olive oil, olives, avocado, nuts and seeds (preferably raw) with salads and vegetables is essential. These fats actually  help our body burn old fats that are stored in our cells.

The mono saturated fats, olive oil and coconut oil, are some of the healthiest calories around. Walnuts have a great omega-3 fatty acids in them as do chia seed and hemp seed. Flax seed or flax seed oil is another fat, that will help us burn fat.

Also when we think about healthy calories and  truly healthy diet we don’t want totally keep carbs out of our life, but consume moderate quantities and balance them with fats, vegetables and salad. Another mono-saturated fat that really helps burn “bad” fat is avocado.

Quinoa and amarath are great grains to explore, high in complete vegetarian protein. Small amounts of rice and beans offer a protein complement. It’s best to sprout beans, and begin the growth process, before we cook them or serve them raw in salads. Sprouted lentels can be stir fried or put on salads raw.

So  fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables are the healthiest calories that there are. Experiment and discover your healthiest self!