Home Care and Exercise

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As our nation’s population ages, more and more people will need the additional help that home health care aides can provide. From simple tasks like helping with preparing meals and providing companionship to assisting with physical therapy in a home sitting, home health care certainly seems to be on a massive upswing.

Because you are in a home setting, it does not mean that you can’t take advantage of physical therapy to regain strength after an injury or maintain muscle tone for long term good health. Physical therapists are specially trained to assess your current physical condition, taking into account recent occurrences and also your overall fitness profile before they decide on a course of action to help you repair or improve your physical condition. They might do initial testing to see how strong your muscles currently are, and check your range of motion so that they understand your current level of fitness.

Therapists can help by showing you the correct way to do exercises for maximum benefit, and also how to use fitness equipment properly and safely. Let them teach you proper technique when using weight machines and free weights so that you’ll gain significantly faster than if done wrong. Together, you can decide what is most important for you in turns of maximum mobility and functioning, and work together toward those things. Make use of therapists’ knowledge in all areas of physical functioning to help you get in the best possible condition and remain healthy and strong for the remainder of your life.