Eye Care and Healthy Visibility

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Don’t take your eyes for granted. Any kind of injury or disease can affect the functioning of eyes and lead to serious and indelible consequences. Unfortunate loss of eyesight due to accidents, genetic reasons or grave diseases needs flawless medical attention. But one can take care of one’s eye health through proper nutrition and by giving special attention to the eyes.

Some of the consequences which pose serious threat to eyes are gender, exposure to sunlight, obesity, smoking and age. Though, some of the factors cannot be controlled, the others can be definitely improved.

Nutrition plays a very important role in eye health care. It also controls the deterioration caused with the increase in age. The food which contains required amount of anti oxidants can prove to be beneficial in strengthening the eyesight. In spite of the busy and hectic lifestyles, one should commit to balanced diet. One can also take the vitamin and minerals available in the form of tablets and syrup. Vitamins, namely A¸C and E are very important for eye care. Vitamin A is used for the treatment of night blindness in children and pregnant women. It also restores the health of mucous membranes, skin and hair. Vitamin C and E are essential for the prevention of cataract, muscular degeneration and glaucoma. Supplements like lutein, beta carotene and zinc oxide are necessary for proper maintenance of eyes.

In order to take proper care of eyes, one should eat carrots for the enhancement of eyesight. One should also avoid excessive exposure to LCD and computer screens. Having breaks of few minutes during working hours can help in the reduction of strain.

Decrease in eye sight is also caused due to improper lighting. Thus, while working or studying, one should have over head lights which reduced the excessive amount of strain caused in the eyes. Sleep is also important in this respect as it provides the needed rest to the eyes. Adopting proper exercises for your eye can also enhance the vision.

In a nutshell, eyes are one of the indispensable sense organs of the human body and one need to take proper care of them to ensure longevity, growth and evolution.