Motivation to Get Fit

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So many people make New Year resolutions to eat healthier, exercise more, lose weight, and get in shape. Every January, memberships at fitness centers tend to increase by as much as 40%, but by March more than half of those new memberships disappear. It’s not necessarily because of laziness; most people find it difficult to purposefully create a new habit or to change old ones.

Staying motivated to change your lifestyle can be very challenging and we can quickly become discouraged within the first couple of weeks. Why do we lose our determination so easily? Why are so many of us so quick to give up?

Some fitness experts suggest that this effect is caused by the lack of a plan. While it’s always a good idea to have an ultimate goal, such as the ideal weight you would like to reach or the size you would like to be, that may not be enough to keep a person motivated. And while it’s also a good idea to have some variety in your workout, trying something for two minutes and moving on to something else at random may not be effective.

When you are just beginning your personal journey to get fit or lose weight, it’s important to develop a routine and keep track of what you do, how long you do it, how many repetitions, how much weight you use. This will help keep you aware of your progress, and to set new goals that you can attain. You also need to remember that it’s not all about the weight scale. When you are dieting and working out, you may not lose much weight as you are building muscle. Therefore it can be more accurate to use your measurements to gauge your progress. Taking pictures every week or two may also help to keep you motivated. Just be sure to take them in the same location, around the same time of day, and in the same clothes (a bathing suit or shorts and a work-out bra are best). Keep your pictures in a place where you will see them often.

If you have a difficult time staying committed to your fitness plan, you might try setting up cues to remind you of your goals. For instance, preparing your gym bag ahead of time and placing it where it can’t easily be overlooked, schedule it on your calendar or mobile device.

What may be most crucial in helping keep you motivated to achieve your fitness goals is a program which you can enjoy. Picking an exercise or diet plan because your friend, your co-worker, your neighbor had great success with it is how many people often fail. If you buy food that you don’t even like, what is your incentive to prepare it? If you dislike being in a room full of people, signing up for group exercise classes may not be the best idea since you will dread every class!

If you can stay motivated, create attainable short-term goals, acknowledge your progress, and enjoy your workout, you are sure to succeed! However, having a career or a family can certainly fill up one’s calendar. If you find it too difficult to coordinate exercise classes or fitness center visits into your schedule, it might be worthwhile to learn about the most effective exercise techniques to build muscle during shorter workouts.