Complete Nutritious Meal For Kids

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Kids love junk food, fact. It’s a fast food world these days and our youth aren’t getting the healthy, balanced diets that they need to support their growing bodies. Parents have the responsibility of making sure their kids eat properly.

Every meal that you put in front of your kid should contain all three of the main food groups. They obviously need Carbs to give them energy, protein is also needed and vegetable or fruit too. This gives your kid a complete, balanced meal with is what they need at their age.

Growing kids need all these food groups in every meal to ensure that they aren’t lacking in any vital nutrients. By missing out on one or two of these regularly can affect how their body functions.

The first meal of the day is what sets a body up for the rest of the day. So Carb rich foods such as wheat, cereal and grains should always be present in breakfast.

School days are long and energy sapping, so the Carb rich breakfast is vital for them to get through the day with their brain still functioning.

Protein is vital to our body for several reasons. If they drink milk and eat meat they are promoting the growth of healthy muscles, which in turn helps them in sports. Protein also strengthens the immune system, so they are less likely to catch colds and flu.

Don’t skip the veggies and fruit whatever you do, they play such a big part in our general health and well being that they really can’t be done without. The nutrients and vitamins found in them are needed by many parts of our bodies. Veggies and fruit don’t appeal to a lot of kids, so you may have to be creative in the way you serve them to make them eat them.