Tips on How to Finally Motivate Yourself For Weight Loss

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Do you need to learn some ways to finally motivate yourself for weight loss? Are you tired of feeling totally devoted to change one minute and the next feeling like your eating is out-of-control? This article shares proven and effective ways to get yourself to that magically point of motivation and stay there until your goal has been reached. If you can spare just a couple of minutes right now to read on I would like to share these tips with you.

Motivate yourself for weight loss

1. Have a simple strategy for fighting negative thoughts. The reason we fail at our goal is often because we sabotage ourselves with negative thoughts. Everyone gets these types of thoughts, “I will never be able to do this,” “This is too hard.” It is how you handle them that determines if they will cause you to quit.

When you hear a negative thought pop in your head yell, CANCEL even if you yell it in your head. This disrupts the thought and does not allow it to grow and become stronger. Warning: at first you will be saying cancel quite often but you will soon find you have to say it less and less.

2. Focus on all the good that is to come. By shifting your focus to all of the great things that you will be able to do and wear when you are at your ideal weight you pull yourself toward your goal. Do this consciously a few times each day.

3. Start your day right and it will end right. Start your day with a win meaning take an action step that is in line with your goal. For instance, exercise in the morning or have a healthy breakfast you will feel more motivated to stay on this healthy path during the day.

4. Be kind to yourself. Do you want to do things for someone you hate? Of course not…so if you are telling yourself that you hate your body, why would you treat it to a healthy diet and exercise? Be kind to yourself and you will motivate yourself for weight loss.