Vegetarian Meal Plan

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This plan is to enable you eat a balanced diet. The plan should be set according to your gender, work type and financial status. Though the most nutritious meals are not necessarily the most expensive, one should consider how much they want to spend over a meal.

The vegetarian meal plan should consist of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water. Since a vegetarian meal excludes meat products, the proteins should come from the plants products. These you can get from cereals such as beans, peas and lentils. Plant proteins are always faster assimilated into the body than the meat proteins. The body is able to digest it faster too. A meal containing a lot of meat takes more than six hours to be fully digested. Meat does not have fiber or roughage. This makes it hard to excrete too. The meat lines itself in the inside walls of the colon. As you take more of the meat products, the walls becomes expand more and more. This is the reason why most people have a pot belly just below the waistline.

With the plant proteins, you avoid this occurrence. A vegetarian meal plan containing the above mentioned substances helps keep your body healthy. You will find that you are more energetic and alert. An exercise routine should be incorporated in the vegetarian meal plan. This will tone your body and remove any extra fats and calories you may have absorbed. Exercise also increases your energy levels. It makes you feel good about yourself and the world at large. Take lots of water while exercising to avoid dehydration.