Chocolate Protein Bars – The Protein Meal Bar Flavor From the Gods

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There is nothing not to love about the decadent flavor of chocolate protein bars, high protein bars, or meal bars. The flavor of chocolate has been enticing the human tongue since 1500 BC. The first people to grow cocoa beans as a domestic crop for a never-ending supply of this flavorful treat were the Olmec Indians in South America.

It is assumed that the cocoa trees that had been growing wild in the Olmec neighborhoods for about 10,000 years were so important that the crops had to be domesticated to ensure a never ending supply of this goodness. By the year 250 CE, the Olmec Indians had disappeared from the region to make room for the chocolate worshiping Mayan communities that only allowed the elite to enjoy this luxury flavor of the Gods.

By the 14th century, the Mayan and Aztec communities were at war over the flavor found in our chocolate protein bars, high protein bars, and meal bars. Chocolate, the flavor given to us from the Gods was worth lives and kingdoms to have for our early South American dwellers. The Aztec Nation won that victory, and the chocolate, but they did not win the final battle to keep the “xocalatl” flavor as their very own. The Mayan communities added the very first coffee tax to the beans that they had left.

Today, we must salute Christopher Columbus as we indulge in our marvellous chocolate flavored protein shakes, nutritious meal replacement bars, and all of the other fantastic chocolate flavored supplements. When Christopher Columbus was exploring the Americas in 1502, he came upon a Mayan trading canoe filled to the brim cocoa beans. Under the assumption that they were a new kind of almond; he captured the goods.

As Columbus explained our delicious chocolate protein bars situation on August 15, 1502: “They seemed to hold these almonds at a great price; for when they were brought on board ship together with their goods, I observed that when any of these almonds fell, they all stooped to pick it up, as if an eye had fallen.”

And, the rest of the chocolate saga is current history. Today, this wonderful flavor from the Gods is available to those of us who choose to participate in healthy lifestyle routines in many wonderful choices of Chocolate protein bars, high protein bars, protein shakes, and meal replacement bars.

The Fitness Industries Favorite Chocolate Low Carb Style and Low Calorie Bars:

  • Myoplex Carb Control Bars
  • Protein Revolution Bars
  • Optimum Protein Diet Bars

The Fitness Industries Favorite Chocolate High Calorie and High Protein Meal Bars:

  • VPX Zero Impact Bars
  • Premier Nutrition Bars
  • Met RX Protein Plus Bars

The Fitness Industries Favorite Chocolate Meal Replacement Bars:

  • South Beach Diet Cereal Bars
  • Met RX Big Colossal Meal Bars
  • CytoSports Muscle Milk Bars

Fitness enthusiasts and healthy lifestyles often forget that there are hidden healthy benefits in all flavors of foods that can bring a smile while they are being eaten. Smiling can boost your immune system, and help relieve the stress associated with a daily routine. When people are smiling while eating their chocolate protein bars, others gravitate towards the smile and this can help bring success to business or personal matters. Chocolate is the flavor given to us from the Gods.