Easy Weight Loss Without the Gym

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There are many good reasons to lose weight – we all want to feel healthy and look fit. Your weight loss goals could range from shedding 5 pounds to 50 pounds, or more! The smart thing to do is do your research and start a good healthy diet plan. A plan that will walk you through step-by-step on what you need to do to realize your weight loss goals.

The hard reality is that most of these plans will require you to exercise. As a matter of fact, it is widely believed that you cannot lose weight unless you are in the gym every day. Although I strongly suggest a vigorous workout routine to accompany your weight loss program, there are reasons why the ‘gym scene’ doesn’t mesh with everyone.

1. Lack of time: Today’s lifestyle is so hectic. Between working all hours of the day, commuting, spending time with kids and family, and every other life event that we pile on top of that, spending an hour in the gym daily is sometimes impossible.

2. Financial reasons. Let’s face it, gym memberships aren’t cheap. Most gyms also require you to sign a minimum of 6 months to a year contract. This can be a big deterrent for a lot of people. Plus, those that are just starting out aren’t sure if the gym is right for them, so if you quit a month into it, you are still on-the-hook for pricey membership fees until the end of your contract.

3. Hygiene reasons. Many of us are worried about getting infected by the bacteria laden sweat left behind on the public equipment. Exercise, done properly anyway, leads to sweat…so that’s you, and hundreds of other gym users sweating profusely and dripping all that sweat all over the equipment. Sure they expect you to wipe off the equipment with an antibacterial wipe after you’re finished, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this common courtesy ignored.

So if one or all of those reasons to avoid the gym sounds like you, you aren’t alone. There are other ways to effectively lose weight, just as easily as you would in a gym.

No matter what weight loss plan you chose to lose, if it doesn’t call for daily physical activity, you probably should pick another one. There’s many creative ways you increase your physical activity level and burn calories without going to the gym:

1. Walk. Walk everywhere. Walk fast. Walk the dog…just walk. It’s a simple way to bump up your activity leave and burn calories! Of course, just walking alone can be boring, but bring along a partner, whether it’s your dog, your spouse, kids, or a friend. Walk with your iPod or MP3 player. Park the car farther away from work, and walk to the office. Try to get a few miles of brisk walking in a day, and you’ll be amazed at the results.

2. Take the stairs. Instead of taking elevators, use those legs for what they were meant for, getting you from ‘a to b’. Climbing stairs is a great way to get your heart pumping, your metabolism boosted, and jumpstart your caloric burn rate.

3. Engage in life! Instead of going home and sitting on the couch watching the latest reality TV program, get up, get out, and get active! Go play a game of pick-up basketball with the kids, or go on a hiking trip with friends. If you are married, get your spouse involved and get active together! The more you do, the more the pounds will melt away. Plus once you are engaged in life you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll have a better quality of life both mentally, physically, and emotionally.