Top 5 Ways to Staying Motivated When Trying To Lose Weight

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Staying motivated when trying to lose weight is of utmost importance since motivation is what keeps us following a routine on a regular basis, because let’s face it most persons would rather do anything thing else other than working out and or sticking to a diet plan. With this in mind I have created a list of 5 ways to keep you motivated when trying to lose weight.

1. Write down your goals and keep them on your refrigerator or place them in you gym bag so that you could readily go to them whenever you feel like not following through with your plans. Goals settings are great ways of staying motivated because you could always refer to them when the need arises.

2. Remind yourself of the reasons you wanted to lose the weight in the first place. If every time the think of working out or eating something that you don’t particular like you feel the need to through in the towel, stop for a few seconds and recall in your mind the reasons you are trying to lose weight. This would give you a renewal on a daily basis and motivate you to work as hard as you can for that 30 minutes or that hour. I am sure that when you had decided that you were going to work towards shedding those extra pounds there were a number of factors that helped you to make that decision, and at that time those reasons gave you a desire to work on your weight. So reminding yourself of the reasons you wanted to lose weight in the first place sort of brings you back to the day you made the decision to follow a healthy lifestyle and you would feel a sense of urgency every time you remind yourself. The kind of urgency that would make you want to get up and workout or make that healthy home cooked meal.

3. Imagine how you could look in 3 months of working out. Most times we start working out and because a week or 2 would have elapsed and we do not see any major results we generally lose interest, however if you can motivate yourself into imagining a thinner you in a few months then you would be less likely to give up in a short space of time. One or two weeks of exercising may not show any results but 3 months will definitely show great improvement if you stick to a routine, as a result having a plan that keeps you motivated is pivotal to shedding those extra pounds.

4. Buy just one piece of clothing that is a size smaller than you wear presently. Go out to the store any buy a pair of jeans or t shirt or anything that you find that you would love to wear but ensure it is a size smaller than your size and put in your closet. Every two weeks take it out and try it on. Now what this would do is in essence indirectly track your progress, because after the first 2 weeks or even after the first month you may not be able to fit in it but you may be able to pull it up further than it went 2 weeks ago, now that is the type of motivating you need, because sometimes you may not be able to see that you have lost weight and that may affect you psychologically but if the pants you bought 4 weeks ago is now able to move up to your hips when just 2 weeks ago it couldn’t pass you knees that’s progress and it should give you a reason to want to keep working on your weight.

5. Adapt a can do attitude, no matter how you feel a particular day tell yourself that you can do whatever you have to do in order to make yourself healthier. You would be surprised as to what you can achieved when you tell yourself “I can” and you make that commitment to getting things done. Whenever you do not feel motivated to get up in the morning and do that work out tell yourself that “I can do this, I did it yesterday and the day before and I felt accomplished afterwards so I can do it today”. Say this every day until you don’t need to anymore, you would be amazed as to how much you can accomplish with a can do attitude.

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