Small Healthy Meals – Burn Fat Faster

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There is one main principle that every person who wants to lose weight must know if they wish to be successful and that is you must control your blood sugar and insulin levels to lose weight. It may sound complicated but it is not and you have maybe heard already that eating multiple small meals throughout the day is better for losing weight than two or three larger meals, but do you know why?

Small meals that have balanced macro-nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) will help you lose weight in the fastest possible way by:

• Keeping your blood sugar levels stable
• Helping keep your metabolism (your bodies engine) working at a higher rate so you burn more fuel (calories)
• Giving you consistent energy throughout the day
• Keeping hunger pangs and cravings at bay
• Helping you have more control over your meal times to avoid overeating

This way of eating a small meal every two to three hours is definitely one of the secrets to not only slimming down but maintaining a healthy weight in the long-term. You can eat up to 50 percent more food this way and not put on extra fat. The extra food also means your body has more chance of getting the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy.

Probably the greatest benefit is the fact that it eliminates those awful food cravings that sneak up and drive even the most dedicated dieter to eat extra food that can wreck a fat loss plan. If you focus though on what you should be eating you have little time or regard for the things you should not be eating.

As you get better at maintaining control and as the cravings become less frequent you will find you make faster progress with losing the fat which is very reassuring. When you experience negative effects from your eating plan it can make you want to quit which means any weight loss is quickly piled back on when you reach for unhealthy choices.

To reap the full benefit of a healthy eating plan, be sure that you eat on a consistent schedule every 2-3 hours. This does require some meal planning and preparation but it is certainly worth it. The idea is to prepare your meals in advance and take them with you wherever you go during the day. This way you will not be forced to eat unhealthy choices when you are hungry.

When you get your body into the habit of knowing when it will be supplied with fuel and nutrients it will be persuaded to give up its fat stores. And the good part is you will not feel any real hunger. If you do feel hungry eat a small meal and never allow that hunger to escalate as this is where you can lose control and overeat.

Like any thing in life you get better at working with your body and will soon discover that it will do what you want in the way of ditching the fat. When you try and starve it the brakes go on and it will just hang on to its fat stores even more. To change your metabolism from storing fat to burning fat small healthy meals are your secret weapon.