Healthy Sleep Habits Ensure Healthy Lives

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The average person, who gets between the recommended amount for their age, will have spent more than 267,200 hours of sleep by 75 years. Sleep is one of the most critical elements of overall health. Those who don’t get enough of it suffer from a lack of mental sharpness, clarity, focus, productivity, emotional balance, creativity, and physical vitality. Prolonged sleep deprivation is said to play a role in health issues such as weight gain, moodiness and depression (including the inability to manage stress), impaired motor skills, heart disease, and an increased risk of developing diabetes among many, many other problems. There are many factors that play a role in your sleep (and, in turn, your overall health) and the quantity of sleep you get each night is just one of those. For reference, below is an outline of the recommended amount of sleep by age:

Newborns (0-2 months)- 18 Hours

Infants (2-12 months)- 15 Hours

Toddlers (1-3 years)- 14 Hours

Preschoolers (3-5 years)- 13 Hours

Children (5-12 years)- 11 Hours

Teenagers (12-18 years)- 10 Hours

Adults (Ages 18+)- 9 Hours

Your bed isn’t just for sleeping, though, it’s also for resting. Experts indicate that a healthy balance between quantity and quality of sleep (combined with a healthy lifestyle) help to ensure optimal health throughout life. There are many factors that play a role in the quality of sleep you get each night and things that you can do to ensure that you get the best quality sleep possible each night.

-Maintain a sleep schedule.
-Wake at the same time each morning.
-Establish a bedtime routine.
-Minimize light and sound in the bedroom.
-Keep the room cool (optimal temperature for healthy sleep is 65 degrees).
-Be sure to have a comfortable bed.
-Stay away from heavy, spicy, or acidic meals in the evening.
-Avoid drinking alcohol at night (which reduces sleep quality).

Having a comfortable bed to sleep in is one of the key elements in quality sleep and there are many things that make up a good bed. Believe it or not, selecting the appropriate height of your frame plays a role in how you feel at bedtime. It is important to purchase a bed that isn’t too short or too high for your needs. The mattress is another important part of a good bed.

Mattresses come in many sizes and styles (Innerspring, Latex Foam, and Memory Foam) all of which serve different purposes depending on the users needs. To ensure the highest quality of sleep, a buyer should purchase the appropriate bed for his or her body. Taking the necessary steps to ensure that you have the appropriate bed and mattress for your body and staying away from activities, foods, and atmosphere that is conducive to quality sleep will help to maintain healthy sleep habits and, in turn, improve the overall quality of life.