Get Motivated For Long Term Weight Loss By Changing Your Thoughts

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In today’s world almost everyone knows that to be healthy requires eating healthy and exercising regularly. This is not easy for most and so we trick ourselves and think thoughts that will not help us meet this goal. We make excuses and self-defeating thoughts such as “I don’t have time for exercise.” While it most likely is true that you are most likely pressed for time, if you needed kidney dialysis you would find the time. The thought can be replaced to something like “I want to meet my goals and exercise is going to be necessary to get there, after I exercise I will be proud of myself for doing so.” A thought like this can help prioritize and motivate you to exercise. A proper diet and exercise will take time out of your day, if you are not willing to take the time do this it is necessary to look at what motivates your weight loss.

Many thoughts around bad eating habits exist, one that many dieters fall into is “I will just eat this and start my diet tomorrow.” This is dangerous for a couple of reasons. First, if yo are eating something that is unhealthy for you then you are giving over control of your body to the food. By exercising the power to control yourself, this power will grow stronger. A good thought in this situation may be “I know what I need to do, I can and will not eat this food because there is no better time to start dieting then right now.” Once this thought is present you will not want to betray yourself and eat the food, by not eating it you will feel good.

Changing your thoughts to motivate yourself to exercise and eat properly is a skill that must be learned. It is something that is a skill that you will use the rest of your life and you will falter at times, but you will use the same skills to help you when this happens. One of the most challenging parts of learning to change your thoughts is learning how to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings. If this isn’t something you have experience with you will need to practice and there are many skills to teach you how to do this.

There is a lot of information of diets and exercise available to us. Picking a healthy diet and a healthy exercise routine that you are comfortable with are important on your journey.