Motivation For A Healthy Lifestyle, How To Get It And Keep It – Step One

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How many times have you said to yourself that now is the time you’ll start exercising and eating healthy only to be disappointed a short time later when you are back to your old habits? There is a way to make these changes from the inside out. How do you get started? Follow these steps:

* To begin any change, you need to have that spark of motivation. Ask yourself why you want to make these changes. Is there a health concern? Have you just put on your “bigger” clothes and even they are tight? Do you feel bad about yourself?

* Write down a sentence in the present tense that describes what you DO want. What is your intention? Write as if it is already happening; for example, “I feel healthy and strong” or “I feel good about and comfortable in my body” or “I love myself.”

* Say this sentence out loud, close you eyes, and picture an image that goes with the sentence. What does the sentence “I love myself” look like in your imagination? Notice how you look, feel, and sound in the image. Congratulations! What you have just created is an exercise for beginning your changes from the inside out.

* Every morning and evening for the next 21 days, spend 1-3 minutes doing your exercise. Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the ground and your back straight, and say your sentence out loud; at the same time, see the image. Then get up and go about your day. Do the same exercise at night just before you go to bed.

* Additional hints: If you notice yourself wearing a specific color in the image that goes with your intention, then that is your clue to wear or keep that color around you. The color will help you remember the connection to your motivation and inspiration. The image will give you clues from your inner wisdom. Making these clues concrete by wearing similar clothes, colors, or hair style will help to make that inner thought and image true here in your everyday life. Pay attention to the details, and then you can make them tangible.

This exercise will open you to the inspirations and connections that will motivate you inside. This “opening up” will lead to choices that move you in the direction you want to go. You will make choices that support the sentence “I love my body” or “I am healthy and strong.”