Pure Drinking Water Makes For Healthy Living

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It is a unbelievably simple and surprising fact that to all the health problems, water is one simple solution. Complaints like headache, cold, constipation, acne, wrinkles, other skin problems and many major health problems can be easily cured by pure drinking water.

This is the best gift that nature has blessed us with and yet we humans fail to understand the benefits of this free and simple source, excellent alternative to expensive medicines and medicare. It is the nature’s best cleanser that keeps the body hydrated keeping it healthy, lubricated and rejuvenated. It provides flexibility to the muscles and joints.

Although we should try to intake non bottled water promoting the less usage of plastic, but how do we make sure that we are taking clean pure drinking water? It is very easy for pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, chemical wastes and other 2000+ toxins to trickle through the ground and contaminate the natural resources of water. This contaminated water travels through the corrosive pipes to our kitchen. As a result we get water full of virus, bacteria and metal traces etc. Bigger problem is that it is only going to get worse.

The situation is alarming and quality of water needs to be improved. Filtering the water effectively and at the earlier stage can protect you and you loved ones from the health threat from these toxic substances. There are many solutions we can use to make sure that we drink pure water. Some of them are expensive, while others are not so expensive. Homemade water filters are such inexpensive filters that requires minimal amount of time and supplies.