Healthy Lifestyles of the Fit and Motivated

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Can you remember what it was that lit the fire. When you first started to train, your enthusiasm was at a high that you had never experienced before. It could have been something as small as watching a movie that sparked your desire. On the other hand it may have been something like having someone close become ill, or incapacitated physically by something that could have been avoided by exercises, and having a good life, and healthy habits.

Whatever the case may be, you started a healthy lifestyle for good reasons. But it happens, after a while your interest may fade. You continue on just going through the motions and not seeing the results you thought you would have. I want to help you get your motivation and fire back.

Start to learn more about yourself, it will start you on your way to getting your motivation back to its peak. You must know what it is personally that has the potential to get you moving like you have a purpose. Take a personal inventory, and look at the positive things that have occurred since you started your training program. You may not see them at first if you are in a rut in your training, or emotionally. The results that you have experienced as a result of exercise, and good nutrition are going to be all positive.

Once you realize this and see the goals you have reached through your training, like reaching a certain number of reps in a set, or reaching a new one rep max you begin to get back on track. It may happen quickly for you, or you may have to meditate on it regularly. Whatever the case, it is worth practicing because it works.

There are other “smaller” things that work really well also. They will help you in a pinch because they are very easy to understand and apply. Think about some of your favorite inspirational quotes. It doesn’t matter where it comes from. It could be a movie, someone you look up to, or some of your favorite books. Where ever it comes from,try centering on it in between your sets. Don’t do this when you are in the middle of a set, you will need to focus on your lift.

Listening to some of your favorite music can really get you pumped up. There are times when I don’t like to listen to any music at all when I work out. There are other times though that music was the entire reason that I got going, and got revved up. To me music has the power to move you in all aspects of your life.