How To Motivate Yourself To Exercise The Easy Way

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Many people struggle with overweight and or health problems due to lack of exercise. So it’s important to do break a sweat at least a couple sessions a week. The formula to a healthier body is quite simple. You need to eat healthy, exercise on a regular base, sleep well and think positive.

Some people live accordingly and can’t imagine so many people struggle to adjust their lifestyle, but the mind is stronger than the body and people are different from each other and so are their minds. The major problem is that most people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone.

When you think of exercise, you’ll think of

  • Being out of breath
  • Agonizing pain
  • Feeling light headed
  • Muscle aches the next day
  • Feeling tired and burned out

All together you feel discomfort in any possible way.

This keeps many people from starting exercise they need so much. But as you stick with it for a while, it gets easier and you will feel more energetic, secure and positive. Your body will respond thankfully with a release of dopamine and now you’re in the zone.

Now when you think of exercise, you’ll think of

  • Feeling the rush
  • Making your body fitter and stronger
  • Enjoying your food more and sleep better
  • Feeling good about yourself

Overall, you feel great and motivation is on your side.

Now I know that motivating yourself to start with exercise is the roadblock and I have an easy solution for that. I’ll take jogging as an example because I hate the first few days of jogging myself. I think it’s boring and I feel very uncomfortable as I start out.

First thing in the morning before breakfast I put on my sports outfit and get out to the park. Then I go home and have some fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice for breakfast to fill my body with all the healthy goodies. Yes, I just jogged to the park and went back home. This isn’t hard in any way, but I made a start. Every house build with bricks needs a first brick and I laid my first brick. The next day I do the same, but now I jog about half a yard more than I did the day before and go home for breakfast. The next day, same thing and add another half yard and so on.

I know this seems like a very lame way to start a workout session, but this way you can cheat your lack of motivation and make exercise into in a daily habit. without all the discomfort. By adding just half a mile each day I give my body the time to adjust slowly. Just do the math. Adding another half mile each day 5 times a week 4 times a month is 20 times half a mile. So in the next month you’ll be jogging 10 miles with hardly any effort.