Healthy Living Over 50

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Everyone wants to look young. The search for the fountain of youth can be traced back from the ancient times to present day.

When we get older, especially after age 50, our bodies slowly start to fall apart. Often times you will find that it is much easier to put on weight now, than when you were younger.

I know from experience that after I reached the age of 50, it was much easier to put on weight and a lot harder to take it off. Part of this is due to a slower metabolism

There are, however, a number of things you can do to help keep that weight off and look younger

First, it is important to exercise every day. Your exercise program should be well rounded and include some sort of cardiovascular activity. Before starting your routine you should stretch and flex to avoid any injury. If you start your work out without stretching, your muscles are tight and subject to injury.

Remember that as you get older, grayer, more wrinkled, and start to sag everywhere, your muscles are not as elastic as they used to be. You can save money on “extreme makeovers” at the plastic surgeon’s Beverly Hills office by doing “preventative maintenance” through aerobic activity. An aerobic activity does not include moving your arm up and down, scooping up food and putting it in your mouth.

Some good exercises include walking, running, swimming, biking, or a gym workout. I live in the country and like to walk around the loop which is exactly one mile. It also might be nice to mix your routines and bike one day, walk the next, go to the gym for a workout the next day and so forth. In addition, instead of hiring someone to do your gardening, do it yourself. Practice the same advice with home maintenance. You can burn off a lot of calories climbing a ladder, digging, raking etc.

Second, your diet is of utmost importance, not only what you eat but how much you eat. No matter what kind of diet you’re on its important to pay attention to the type of foods you’re eating and the quantity. Look for foods that are rich in fiber and low in fat. Fiber gives you that full feeling without eating a lot of food.

Try to avoid eating refined carbs which include: enriched white bread, pasta, and rice. Instead choose whole grain and wheat products. Also, consider eating leaner proteins such as fish and poultry.

Get exercise, eat less and eat right.