How Increase Motivation to Stick to a Weight Loss Plan

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Isn’t it interesting how we don’t need to motivate ourselves to eat chocolate or get up early for a flight to a dream holiday destination?

I believe it is because people associate pleasure with the process of eating chocolate and anticipation of fun, pleasure and excitement with getting up to catch a flight for a holiday.

So how can we make the process of sticking to a weight loss plan more enjoyable and intrinsically motivating, so we don’t have to use “willpower” to achieve our goals, but experience more flow, and naturally be attracted to healthy choices?

The first step is to define your outcome and then, ask yourself why you want that outcome, ask yourself, how would life be better when you are at your target weight and body shape? Also ask yourself the opposite, how would you feel in one year from now or five years from now if you didn’t achieve your outcome?

This will uncover your specific target weight or body shape and more importantly the emotional driver behind this. Revisit the reason, or burning desire for the outcome daily. Optimal weight loss choices will become much easier. You can even write the reason and a picture of your desired body and leave it in a place where you can see it regularly.

In addition to this use other methods to enhance motivation and enjoyment of the process of weight loss:

– Music: listen to motivating inspiring music when exercising

– Support: lose weight with a buddy or friend, and you can support each other towards your goals, share exercise time and healthy recipes

– Reward: reward yourself each week for the positive steps you have taken, use a non food reward e.g. treat yourself to a massage or movie.

– Variety: doing the same thing all the time leads to boredom and lack of motivation. Vary your exercise program and healthy foods to keep you interested.

– Get a mentor: use a weight loss coach or trainer to help you get your desired weight loss goal