Motivation to Work Out! – Ideas to Help You Get Motivated!

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To say that finding the motivation to work out is a pain at times, is a pretty nice way of putting it. More people desire to look great today than ever before, but lack the motivation to make it happen!

If you’re somebody who is struggling with finding the motivation to get in shape, then here are some things to think about along to help you along your journey!

1) It’s all mental!

What does this mean? It means that our lack of motivation comes from our own thoughts more than anything else! We tend to come up with reasons in our own mind for why it is okay to keep putting off getting in shape for at least another day. What does this mean for us? It means that we need to understand this concept, and start controlling our thoughts!

Start thinking about what you’re thinking, and make sure that your thoughts only consist of what you want to have happen! Remove all negative un-motivating thoughts and start to see the changes! This is going to take some time and effort to make it a habit, but by doing this, it will change everything! Having control of your thoughts will become natural in only a matter of time, thus leaving you more motivated than ever!
After all; thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which lead to results!

2) Switch it up!

We should never get hung up on a routine that we don’t look forward to! Sometimes routines like working our legs are necessary, but if it gets to the point where we aren’t even working out, because we aren’t looking forward to the routine that is coming up for the day, then that is a classic sign that we may need to switch it up! If we get to this point and don’t switch it up, it will most likely lead us off track for a day which then turns into several days, and so on.

Don’t be afraid to change up your routine! Working out should be fun like a hobby you enjoy! Start looking up new ways to work out the same muscles that you don’t look forward to, and have fun with your work out!

3) Eat healthy!

Believe it or not, when we don’t eat healthy, it affects how we think and feel! Our brains are important, since our lack of motivation is all mental! If we treat our brains right, we will start thinking right, which will then keep us on track, which will keep us feeling great, and in turn, keep us motivated!

When you eat that piece of cake, forget about the calories that you’re intaking, and start thinking about how it is going to affect your brain! An unhealthy brain will make it harder for you to keep control of your thoughts!

4) Watch what you say!

There was a study recently that talked about how we need to watch what we say when it comes to getting things done! Apparently, when we say something out loud, for example; what we’re going to do later, our brains actually think that we’ve already completed the task! Therefore, if we want to get something done, we really should keep it to ourselves and not talk about it, because then our brains will actually accept our thought as an uncompleted task, which will up our chances of actually getting the task done!

Watch your mouth! Even if you’re talking about working out to try and psyche yourself up for it later, by saying it out loud your brain is in the process of thinking that you’ve already done your routine! So keep it in!

All in all, your lack of motivation really does start with your own way of thinking! Change your way of thinking, and you’ll start seeing a change in the amount of things you’re getting done!

Finally, keep in mind that it isn’t a huge mountain that we’re trying to climb here, it is actually just a bunch of small hills.