4 Foods For Healthy Living

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When you open up that refrigerator looking for a snack, the first thing that should come to your mind is almonds. They provide a long list of health benefits including omega-3’s. Omega-3 are the “good” fats that help your mind function and unlike Omega-6 most people don’t get enough in their diet unless they eat a lot of cold water fish(like salmon). They are also high in fiber which helps suppress your appetite. You can have 23 almonds for around 163 calories while reducing the levels of harmful cholesterol. Here is one of my favorite snacks, it tastes great and is very easy to pack and take with you.

23 Almonds
1/4 cup of fresh berries – I usually go with blueberries and raspberries
32 dark chocolate chips – 32 small chips are usually around seventy calories check the label


If you haven’t discovered kefir yet, try it today. Seriously delicious. It comes in many flavors and even my 12 year old thinks it tastes great (my wife thinks it is a little too tangy). It is similar to yogurt, but just slightly thicker than milk. Kefir promotes health by providing pro-biotic. Pro-biotic are the “good” bacteria which help with digestion and maintaining healthy intestines. It is a truly awesome source of protein rivaling many of the expensive protein drinks that athletes are fond of. It is a little high in sugar, so keep an eye on your portion size. Try this for a quick and healthy snack.

1 cup of your favorite whole grain cereal – my personal favorite is Ezekiel
1/2 cup of blueberry kefir

Television has been flooded recently by advertising extolling the virtues of oatmeal. Many studies suggest it is very beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease and reducing cholesterol. It is high in fiber, which helps curb appetite. What the commercials aren’t mentioning is that the type of oatmeal you eat can turbo-charge these positive benefits. Look for “steel cut” on the label. It is also sometimes known as “Irish oatmeal”. The difference is that steel cut uses the whole grain. This gives the oatmeal a slightly nutty and chewier flavor. The big drawback with steel cut oatmeal is it takes longer to cook, but the extra nutritional boost makes it well worth the extra effort. My secret is this. On Sunday mornings, while I drink my coffee and surf the net, I cook enough steel cut oatmeal to last the entire week. Then I just heat up the portion I need in the microwave and I am out the door in 30 seconds. I spruce my oatmeal up, sometimes with almonds or berries but my favorite is

1 cup of steel cut oats
handful of raisins
sprinkle of cinnamon

Last but not least. Avocados. Packed with “good” fats that may help reduce cholesterol and folates which are important for heart health. Avocado has also been shown to help your body absorb nutrients from other vegetables. So make sure you include a slice of avocado in your next salad. I always put it in my sandwiches along with a slice of tomato for lunch. Below you will find a quick and easy recipe for guacamole.

Two medium sized avocados
1 tomato chopped
chopped onion
2 cloves chopped fresh garlic
chopped cilantro to taste

Try this on your sandwich instead of mayonnaise and do your heart a favor!