The World of Weight Loss – You Will Be Surprised!

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As the new year approaches some of our thoughts will be on how to lose that weight we gained over the last year or just over the holidays. Either one will take a commitment regardless how much you want lose. One thing to remember is that it takes two weeks for anything to become a habit. If you can get pass these two weeks you will be well on your way to keeping your resolution.

Losing weight can be a huge challenge for some people. It’s not all about diets, it’s my belief that diets can have temporary effects, for the only reason that people are looking for quick results and will do anything to get them. The one thing wrong with that is, it’s likely the weight will be gained back because the quick fixes, and the diets don’t teach people how to eat properly to be able to keep the weight off.

One trick that some people may not know of is that by eating every 2-3 hrs it keeps your metabolism up, in turn you burn calories. Have you ever heard someone say “I don’t know what’s wrong, I’m not eating as much I use to and I’m gaining weight”.

Please DO NOT skip any meals. What happens is that by skipping meals it spikes your blood sugars, and over time you will start to gain weight. Long periods of time between your meals can also add to over eating. Pre-plan your meals and pack your lunch for work, including your snacks. Drinks lots of water, it helps you to feel full, a long with so many other benefits.

Drink one to two glasses of water before your meal. Add lemon to your water for some flavour and helps to avoid the sugary drinks.

It’s hard work, and along with changing what you eat, exercise plays an important role too in losing weight. It is recommended that people get a minimum of 30 minutes of active exercise a day. I stress that 30 minutes is the MINIMUM. Participation in regular activity will improve your health and helps with less time being sick. You won’t just lose weight you will become more fit, stronger, healthier, and you will have more energy.

All of the things I’ve touched on will increase your metabolism; in doing so you will lose weight. You need to challenge yourself and stay focused. There will be days you don’t feel like doing anything, that’s when you have to push yourself to do the most. Stop the negative thoughts, remove “I can’t” and replace it with “I will” or I can” You will be your worse enemy. Hide the scale. You’ll know if your losing weight by the way your clothes fit.

Sleep is another key point to losing weight. Not getting enough sleep can result in weight gain. It can lead to an increase craving of bad carbs. We tend to make the wrong choices of food when we are tired. We look for the fast, convenient foods. When was the last time you crave veggies when you where tired? Take the time to prepare meals and freeze them for the days you’re feeling tired.

Set goals for yourself that are reasonable, goals that you can reach. Use them as markers to move forward. Keeping a food journal is always a good way to start. Keep track of your foods your eating in a day, and compare your days at the end of the week. Make any changes for the next week but remember move forward and have fun with it, challenge yourself, and remember that only you can change you, and we always make sure our clients engage in proper personal training & weight loss programs in order for them to change their life and to Live better!… Thank you.

…Live Easy… Just Do It!

*It’s all about getting fit and having fun, while energizing yourself! And to get real (and lasting) fat loss and fitness results… as quickly as possible,with 100% certainty! Richard specializes in personal training & boot camps in Durham Region & Toronto (GTA). If you’re looking to shed some unwanted weight and tighten up, **1 to 1 Personal training ** 30 minute and 1 hour sessions available – Call Today for your Free Body Diagnostic consultation and Training session – $158 value! ***30 minute and 1 hour sessions available.

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