Motivate the Weight Away!

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It’s not a new problem; people have been having problems with motivation since the beginning of time. Whether it’s anxiety, fear, or just pure laziness that gets in your way, you have to do something about it.

Start With Your Idea

Think of yourself as a machine. The mind is the most intelligent machine known to the world. Like all machines though, it can only work with the programs made available to it. Constant reinforcement to the mind such as today is not a good day, what if I fail, I don’t have enough time etc., are all statements that put the mind in a delay mode. So take some time each night and dedicate your thoughts to a positive idea. If losing weight is your concern, repeat thoughts such as “I am going to lose weight”, “I am going to be healthy” visualize your idea. This will kick your mind into action mode and after days you will start to notice a difference in attitude.

Set A Date

Once you feel a spark has been lit, SET A DATE to start working on your idea. Buy a calendar and circle the day, hang it up somewhere you constantly see it. Although it may seem like common sense to some, it is a VERY important step in meeting your goal. Make sure the day is open and do not schedule any other events on this day. Treat it as if it were a holiday, a beginning to a new you. A journey of a thousand miles beings with a single step, do not let anything interfere with your day.

Baby Steps

As I stated earlier your body acts like a machine. Trying to do too much at first will exhaust your body, and furthermore have negative side effects on your mind. You can’t access HBO before you have basic cable. Set simple goals for yourself that you know you can attain. Making a chart can help dramatically. Gradually increase your goals each day until you have the premier package.

Treat Yourself

Acting on your idea should not feel like a chore. Make your action days the best they can be. You are working on yourself to be a greater you! Take pride in yourself on these days. Make some time to do something you enjoy, whether it’s snuggling up and renting a movie or indulging in an ice-cream cone. Everybody deserves a treat for a job well done!