Drink Water For Healthy Living

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The Dukan Diet is a revolutionary diet designed to elicit weight loss. This was put forth by Dr Dukan in his bestselling book “The Dukan Diet”. The Dukan diet restricts consumption of fats, sugars and salt while at the same time recommending high protein intake. But this diet is not as rigid as it sounds. It allows plenty of choice at mealtimes. In fact the book lists hundreds of permitted foods leaving the ultimate choice to your palate. Apart from all this restricted consumption of fats, sugar and salt, the central theme of the Dukan Diet is to drink plenty of water. In fact Dr Dukan in his book says that one must consume at least 1.5 lit of hater everyday while on this diet.

Water is essential for life. Our body is 60 % water and reduced consumption of water will lead to a lot of health related problems like unhealthy skin, kidney stones, swelling in the feet etc. Hence it is recommended to consume at least 8 glasses of water normally. This proportion of water should increase while you are on the Dukan diet because of the following reasons.

The primary aim of ay diet plan is to leave you in negative calorie balance. This means that your body is burning more calories than it consumes. During dieting body uses the fats stored in our body as the primary fuel. Burning of fat leaves behind a lot of toxins which will need to be removed from the body. Drinking plenty of water will enable our body to excrete these toxins.

The Dukan diet is high in protein. Catabolism of protein in the body leaves behind a lot of wastes namely urea and uric acid. These toxins need to be removed from the body otherwise they will cause disease. The kidneys do this job by flushing these toxins out of the body in urine. Hence plenty of water will allow the kidneys to function optimally and will keep you healthy.

Apart from flushing out the toxins water plays many vital roles in our body. It keeps our skin well hydrated. It gives us a sense of well being. Drinking plenty of water helps rejuvenate our skin by cleansing out all the impurities.

Now how does one consume so much water? We all know that water is bland and difficult to drink in such huge quantities. Well you can try having a jug of water by your side for starters. You then keep sipping water frequently. If this does not sound convincing to you can try various other methods. You can consume herbal teas, lemon tea, and lemon water or fruit juices. You can drink water in any form as long as you drink adequate quantities of it (Also avoid alcohol and sodas).

Hence to summarise drinking water is essential for many body processes and it helps maintain general health. This is especially true if you are on the Dukan Diet. Therefore ensure consumption of at least 1.5 lit of water while on this diet.

Drink water for a healthy life!!