How to Make A Healthy Beef Stew

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Living Healthy

In today’s world many of us are choosing to live a more Healthy lifestyle. Since we are in the holiday season and we are partaking of the goodies of the season, I thought I would offer you a dish, that is both healthy and delicious. Since many of us are living in climates where the weather is down right cold, I am giving you the recipe for a Healthy Beef Stew that will warm you from the inside out.

Six years ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and between the medication and hormones being off balance I have had more health problems than ever. I’ve chosen to make some changes, one being to eat healthier. I also started taking supplement, vitamins and going to the gym. Not every recipe I post is low calorie or low fat but you can change some of the ingredients to make them fit your Healthy lifestyle.

Choosing to eat healthy is a great choice. When shopping choose lean meats, raw fruits and vegetables. However, there are times when we want to eat something warm and delicious but keeping it healthy. You will find that the following recipe will do just that. It is a favorite of mine and I love preparing it for family and friends.

Healthy Ingredients

There are a few ingredients that are easy to substitute in order to make the dishes that you are preparing healthier. Low-fat butter substitutes, a lean cut of meat, boneless, skinless chicken breasts to name a few. In some recipes you can substitute Tofu for the meat, you can eat chicken or turkey burgers instead of hamburgers, you can make french fries in the oven instead of deep frying them. Many options are available to you and as I continue to share recipes and cooking tips with you.

Healthy Beef Stew

2 pounds lean beef cut into cubes

2 tbsp soy sauce (low-sodium)

5-6 carrots sliced into rounds

4-5 stalks celery, sliced

2 cups red potatoes

2 large onions

2 cloves garlic, minced

Black Pepper to taste

1 cup dry red wine

1 cup mushrooms, sliced

1 tbsp fresh Marjoram, minced

1 tbsp fresh Thyme, minced


In a large casserole dish place the beef and stir in the soy sauce. Add carrots, onion, celery, potatoes, garlic, pepper and wine. cover and bake at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours. Add mushrooms, stir, cover and bake for an additional hour. Stir in fresh Marjoram and Thyme, bake for 15 minutes. You can add flour if you desire a thicker sauce. Ready to serve.

This recipe serves 6 and has only 355 calories. Enjoy. See you tomorrow with another recipe from my kitchen.