5 Great Tips For Staying Motivated While on a Diet

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It can be extremely easy to get caught up in all of the fad diets that are flooding the shelves, magazine stands and infomercials these days, and forget to overlook some of the most important aspects of dieting. These impractical diets make it dangerously easy to fail at weight loss because they are based on unrealistic goals promising unrealistic and unsustainable loss in a short amount of time. Take a deep breath, get grounded and read these five simple tips that will keep you motivated and on the path to smart dieting.

1. Lifestyle Change

To begin with, always remember that you never need to go on a diet; you just need to make a few simple changes your lifestyle. Many diet programs tout a, say, “one month” or “three month” diet program to lose say 20 pounds. But what happens after the three months? One goes back to old bad habits, and as a result gain all the weight back and feel even more unhappy because the plan effectively failed. Instead, try and incorporate real lifestyle changes that you can stick to in the long term.

2. Avoid Unrealistic Goals

The second important thing is to set a realistic goal. If you are twenty lbs overweight, then you can realistically reach your goal in just over 2 months time. It is reasonable for you to plan on losing two lbs per week. You can choose an event that is coming up in three months time and say to your self ‘I will look fantastic on that night!’. By doing so you will have a time frame that is practical and a goal to drive you to work towards attaining.

3. Treat Yourself

Remember to treat yourself. The clincher here is to choose a reward that is not food. For example, after you lose five pounds treat yourself to a massage or a facial so you and your body get rewarded for all the hard work. Once you lose your 20 pounds, reward yourself with a new outfit that will make you look and feel fabulous in. Part of the challenge with diets is that you will often feel deprived of your favorite foods and these are often the ones that aren’t very good for you. By deciding to treat yourself with something that makes you feel good about yourself you can also eliminate one bad food habit.

4. Eat Healthy Foods That You Love

Now that you are starting to take the step towards eliminating unhealthy foods, the fourth key to maintaining your dieting motivation is to focus on eating healthy foods that you love. Not all foods that you love are unhealthy. Pick out the meals that can support you in losing weight and that you also relish eating.

5. Make Your New Habits Permanent

Finally, and most crucially, these little changes will lead to significant weight loss – but only if you make them a habit. So, it is vital that you proceed gently with these changes to make sure they become a lifestyle choice that you will carry along for a lifetime; not just a “diet” that you are on temporarily.