Dieting Motivation Tips – How to Build Your Desire to Diet and Exercise

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Is your motivation an up and down roller coaster? Can you feel totally motivated to diet and lose weight one minute and then crash and burn the next? It can be frustrating to say the least. This article shares diet motivation tips that you can get working for you immediately so you can get your desire built up and keep it up until you reach your goal. Need a push in the right direction? Then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.

Dieting Motivation Tips

1. Start with identifying your number one reason. Most people can come up with a handful of reasons they want to lose weight, they might say they want to fit into their clothing better or look better for an upcoming event but these quick “off-the-top-of-your-head” responses are rarely long-term motivators.

You need to dig a bit deeper to uncover that reason that will motivate you to go all the way and to do that sit down with a tablet and pen and start listing reasons getting this weight off is important to you. It might take quite a list but you will hit that one reason that has a strong emotional impact.

2. Focus on what you get not what you have to do. Can dieting get tedious? Yes, but let that be a “so what” and instead of giving your day-to-day chores any thought keep directing your thoughts to how great life will be because of the efforts you are taking today. In other words, keep your eye on the prize.

3. Commit to doing one thing really well. There are a lot of different aspects to dieting success but if you try to become perfect at each one immediately you are setting yourself up to fail. Lock in on one thing and do it well. For instance, commit to keeping a food journal daily and when you have that skill down you can add an additional skill to master.

These dieting motivation tips will get your desire built up and keep your desire strong until you have reached your goal and beyond.