Dieting Motivation Tips – How to Raise Your Motivation to Eat Right

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This article shares some dieting motivation tips to help you build your motivation to eat right. A good weight loss program starts with motivation and if you find that you have a hard time getting motivated or staying motivated long enough to get results then this article was written with you in mind.

Dieting motivation tips

1. Keep your eating simple so you are not focused on food. The best diet plan is simple and sane. I teach clients how to divide their plate by filling 1/2 with vegetables, 1/4 with carbohydrates and 1/4 with protein. This gives you the assurance that you are eating a balanced meal without having to take the time and energy to count calories or measure foods, both things that keep you too focused on the thing you are trying to think less about – food.

2. Set daily reminders of why dieting is important to you. You want to set your mind up for success so it helps to leave yourself reminders of why dieting is important to you. Cut out pictures of clothing you will be wearing when the weight is off or places you would like to go…anything that keeps your goal in focus.

3. Work with others. The key to motivating yourself to diet is to work with others who are following a similar plan. There will always be obstacles in front of you but when you have ongoing support to help you through you stick with your goal.

4. Make big enough changes to see results on the scale. You will find no better motivation then getting results. Make sure you are making big enough changes in your diet to see results at the end of the week and you will see your motivation catch fire.