Benefits of Organic Vegetables – Living a Healthy Life

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There was a time when the term “organic” was not a part of our everyday language. It wasn’t all that long ago that people associated the word with hippies. My family decided to go organic five years ago. At that time my family and peers thought it was strange and unnecessary. A friend of mine gave me the nickname “hippy chick” just because of our organic lifestyle.

Now, organic is everywhere. It has become mainstream as people realize the benefits; especially the benefits of organic vegetables. There is some controversy surrounding the difference between organic and conventionally grown produce. Many agencies and researchers will tell you that there is no difference. However, you will have just as many claim that there is a difference. The key is doing the research and then deciding.

From my own research I’ve discovered that cancer survivors are often instructed, by their doctors, to adopt an organic lifestyle. That tells me there must be some evidence out there that points to benefits of eating organic. The FDA admits there are levels of pesticides on the produce we eat. But they get to determine what they deem acceptable. The amount of chemicals the FDA tests for is staggering. And the FDA can only test a small percentage of our food so what about the percentage that wasn’t tested?

The truth is that organic farming works. There is no reason to use the chemicals that are being used. We should turn to organic produce and reap the benefits of organic vegetables. So, what exactly are the benefits of organic vegetables? Let’s take a closer look.

A higher level of nutrients is found in organically grown vegetable. Conventionally grown vegetables are grown with artificial fertilizers that produce growth by filling the produce with water. So, conventionally grown vegetables are mainly water. There has been evidence of a steady decline in minerals for about six decades. In that time we’ve started pre-picking crops, started using chemicals for longer storage and we’ve over processed the produce.

Another benefit is lower intake of pesticide residue. Research has linked to consumption of pesticide residue to headaches, tremors, depression, anxiety, and lack of energy as well as many other symptoms. Even washing vegetables does not rid them of the residue. And some researchers are concerned about the effect of various pesticide residues that are contained in the same food. How do they affect our bodies when they are combined?

Children are more susceptible to the affects of pesticide residues because of their still developing organs. Some studies seem to link exposure to toxins with an increase in developmental delays. So, another benefit is that you are protecting your children.

There is also the environmental impact to consider. Organic farming is better for the environment. It is good for the soil structure, conserves water and is more efficient. So, there may be still some who will debate the benefits of organic produce but there is much evidence to support the benefits of organic vegetables.