Exercise Motivation – 3 Tips

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How many times did you think about starting a new exercise routine only to stop after 1 month into it? If this is your third or fourth time, you better read this article carefully to find out the truth behind your previous failures.

Ask yourself what truly motivates you

Why do experts all over the world have been telling you to start thinking about your goals or dreams? Well, it is simply because your source of motivation (whatever it is) will cause you to continue striving when you are on the verge of giving up. You have to remember your motivation and keep reminding yourself what is it that made you stick to this exercise program at the first place.

You can do many things like betting with a friend. Write a blog about your daily progress and challenges. This way, you are putting your reputation at risk. You will be much more motivated when you put yourself out there, thus increasing your commitment level.

Start socializing with others who have already been there

For example, if you want to lose weight, hang around with fit people. If you can’t find any fit folks, then hang around with people who share the same motivation as you do, losing weight. When the going gets tough, they are the ones that can pull you through besides your own personal motivation source.

How much money are you willing to spend?

If you sign up for a gym yearly membership, you are far more likely to hit the gym because you have already committed to it. In fact, this investment can your best one so far because being healthy can really pay off in the long run. Imagine you don’t get sick or develop illnesses that can fetch huge medical bills later on in the hospital.