Showering and Taking a Bath, Personal Hygiene at Its Finest

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Most people clean themselves on a daily basis. Besides being a good way to stay healthy and feeling good, this is a courtesy to other people so as to not have an offensive odor. Whether it be in a walk in shower, a walk in tub, or some other bathing spot, it is very important to bathe every day. Personal hygiene is important so that people can maintain a good imagine within their community and in the eyes of the people they interact with on a daily basis. There are a few steps that should be taken every time somebody cleanses themselves and those will be outlined. Through personal hygiene people can gain a better self image and become a more confident individual.

The first step in bathing and personal hygiene is using soap. Soap is important because it removes any dirt from the skin and revitalizes skin with different nutrients, some soaps are infused with special ingredients as well such as vitamins and minerals. There are certain types of soap for the body and other types of soap for the face. Facial soap is different because it is softer and works better with the sensitive skin on the face. Soaps also come with all different kinds of smells to account for people’s differing tastes, and can leave people smelling like anything from a pine forest to cinnamon rolls.

Another step in the hygienic process is shampooing the hair. Good hair can make an average looking person seem gorgeous, and bad hair can leave good looking people looking less than average. Like with soap, there are numerous kinds of smells that go along with shampoos. Regardless of the smell, shampoo will leave hair looking revitalized, clean and fresh. Some people also choose to use conditioner in their hair. Conditioner is supposed to alter the texture of hair and moisturizes. There are literally thousands of different brands of shampoos and conditioners out there so nobody can really say which one is the best and most people do not even have a preference at all for what kind they use.

Furthermore, most people choose to shave when they bathe. The amount of shaving that needs to be done varies from person to person based on a number of different variables. For example, women typically do not have to shave their faces because it is not common for women to have hair there. On the other hand, men usually do not shave their legs because it is fairly uncommon for them to do so. Within each sex there are also genetic variables that determine how often shaving should be done. Obviously, hair grows faster naturally on some people than on others. Shaving creams also come in many different scents and some people even choose to use after shave. After shave has the purpose of moisturizing the skin, because shaving does damage to it.

Hygiene is important to most people and bathing is a large part of that. With proper grooming techniques people can look better and feel better about themselves as part of that process.