How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle For a Better, Happier You

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Do you feel happy when you look in the mirror? Are you satisfied with your looks or do you find yourself imagining how it could’ve been better if this was smaller or this part narrower? If you are toying with the ideas of buying self-help books, exercise and healthy diet, then it must be time to learn more about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a better, happier you.

What is having a healthy lifestyle? Contrary to what many people think, living healthy does not only mean not drinking and smoking. A healthy way of living starts all in the mind, when you free yourself with anxieties and stress. Studies show that many diseases and disorders are caused by stress such as hypertension, psoriasis, seborrhea, and even cancer. Always remember that it is equally important to nurture the body, the mind, and the soul.

Nurturing the Body

o Exercise — You probably have been thinking of starting an exercise program but just planning it tires you out and that you end up not even lifting a finger to warm up. Keep in mind that exercise does not always have to be vigorous, neither expensive. Starting small can make a difference and a simple difference is definitely better than no difference at all. There is no need to enroll yourself in a yoga class or aerobics, you don’t even have to go to the gym. All you need is the will to move. Remember that doing physical exercise does not only improve balance and flexibility but also reduces the risk of having a heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It also frees your mind from worries and lifts your mood.

o Eat well — You are what you eat. Remember that the systems in our body are working nonstop each day and they need proper nutrients to keep on operating normally. It is not bad to be a vegetarian but going vegan is not the only way to stay fit. Bear in mind that a wide variety of healthy foods can help you on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Everyone should eat most foods from vegetables, fruits, breads, grains and cereals. Eat some meat, milk, cheese, and yoghurt. And have small amount of fats, oils, and sweets. A chocolate bite won’t kill you!

Nurturing the Mind

o Healthy diet — Eating well is not only for the body. It is also helpful in nurturing the mind. Who can think right with an empty stomach anyway?

o Free yourself from worries – It is inevitable for people to worry about something or everything, but it is important to know that thinking too much will not really get us much farther than the hospital bed. It is necessary to free the mind from stress and just let it focus on less complicated things like an herb garden in the kitchen or a running puppy in the park.

Nurturing the soul

o Spend time with loved ones – There is nothing more worth our time than spending it with your loved ones. A good conversation with the people you love and care for is always an effective remedy to a tired body and mind.

o Make the world a better place – You may choose to spend some time in church and commune with God, or go out and get to know people who are in need. You don’t always have to give big. Sometimes, you even just have to listen.

There may be a lot of books written on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle but you should always remember that one rule does not always fit all. It all depends on the person who would like to improve their life and how they think they can dot it. After all, no one knows if you really have become a better, happier you but yourself alone.